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When i get the her to max stats and buy the octopus and try to sleep it brings me to an error screen and says file_game_level-scenes.rpy line 5

Is this for Mavis or Gwen? Could you send the full error code


Gwen [code]

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/level_up_scenes.rpy", line 5, in <module>

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'add'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "level_up_scenes.rpyc", line 5, in script

  File "E:\Apps\Renpy3\renpy-8.3.3-sdk\renpy\", line 821, in execute

  File "E:\Apps\Renpy3\renpy-8.3.3-sdk\renpy\", line 1178, in py_exec_bytecode

  File "game/level_up_scenes.rpy", line 5, in <module>

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'add'


Shoot this is because of the gallery code. I'll fix it right away.

Uploaded a new version. Let me know if it works

Sexy mans thx  


Dont Know If You Have Checked The Code Yet But Still No Way To Get Money Or At Least I Dont Know Any Cuss The Yoga Dosen't Give Any More!๐Ÿ˜

Totes didn't forget! Just focusing on the next version of the game at the moment but I'll settle that soon. 

Alternatively, you can 

1. Click the PC
2. Click the radio
3. Click work

This should generate some cash, though not as much as the yoga event

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Hey Just Wanted To Ask How Can I Get Mavis' Love Up. And When I Unlocked Gwen Level 3 I Stoped Earning Money From The Yoga Sessions And Was Wondering How I Could Get More Money For The Costumes?

1. Mavis Love can be increased by repeatedly giving her a gift.

2. I'll recheck the code for Level 3 Yoga. I think I made it separate from the original one. Thanks for pointing that out

Thanks And No Problem!

(2 edits)

how do I get Mavis to level 3?

Mavis level 3 hasn't been implemented yet.

We're planning to continue her story by Q1-Q2

are there any cheats for the game? like in the console ?

There's a built in cheat menu in the Pro version of the game


Opens But Freezes Instantly On A White Screen Saying Game Not Responding.


Hi im playing this game its realy fun, but im will like to fix the safe bug thanks.๐Ÿ‘


Working on the save bug ASAP!


For some reason after i unlock mavis i can save the game but the save file always goes back to the to where gwen is at lvl 2 

(1 edit) (+1)

It only happens after unlocking Mavis? Ill check this issue out.

where does it last load?


it loads in the correct place but progress is always back to having to get Gwen's stats up to progress her to lvl 3 and It has happened 3 times already 

Oh and it also resets progress of cami and helen even if i did it before i met mavis

Odd. Could you send a record of it happening? 

Dont think i can

Sorry so im outside Gwens room and she isnt their and i clicked leave and its not letting me. Only the interact bytton is their

Have you tried clicking the map to leave?



The game doesn't load correctly

Is there an error appearing?

No error, it will only load to one point, no matter which save you load, essentially destroying your progress, happens on the pro version as well (I'm on android)

Could you send a screen record of the issue? Tested out a full playthrough on android and it's working great.

What fetishes can we expect?

So far you can expect,

Vaginal, Blowjob, Handjob, Boobjob, Girl to Girl, Cunnilingus, BDSM, Wax Play [Pro Exclusive], Costume Play, Voyeurism, Buttjob, and many more!


any chance for preg?

We're definitely considering it!

how do i level up gwen i have max stats on her


Buy the octopus for $200

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how to access cheat menu on pro version?

Hi, should be on the PC/Phone. At the top right, you can find the cheat menu there

Im on pc and ive made sure im playing on pro version but all i see if the phone, shop, and help buttons

Ah what I meant was the in game PC or Phone button.

im looking at the phone and pc screen but all i see are the stats and controller. i dont see the cheat menu and ive made sure i have the pro version

Hi, the phone/PC screen should look like this if you're using PRO. Are you sure you downloaded the Pro version here: ?


Release on steam

I don't think we're allowed to release this on steam :/

Sir, my dick exploded after Playing the game

Oh dear... looks like it was a bad idea to release during NNN hahahaha

How to upgrade

What do you mean upgrade? 

next update when??

Hi we usually update through our discord or Patreon for updates

Hi, After finishing gwen's storyline i can only click on a button that redirects me to your Patreon, Is there a way to skip it? 

It should automatically bring you back to the game after

what lvl sub do i need to get gwen to to pole dance she is at over 200 sub lvl rn and still wont do it.....

Pole dance isn't implemented yet. We'll add the cgs for that in the future versions

gotcha thx

can you level up mavis and how

Not yet! That's coming in the next version. Script, code, and art for her level up scene is already done haha

A very good game great art and story 10/10 for me

Glad you liked it!

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how do i open the game after i download it


Extract the game first and open the folder.

Inside, you'll find the game's launcher. ๐Ÿ’ฏ

i cant find the launcher

Should be there after you unzip the file


Just a heads up, I've reported it already but someone has stolen your game and uploaded it with a malicious installer:


Thank you! We found that out because of you. Also reported it.

is it normal to have no sound??

Hi, we've recently starting implementing music into the game after hearing some feedback and suggestions.

Currently, V0.2 has sound and music on several scenes. V0.1 however, doesn't have.


Great art good story and decent gameplay 8/10